New Book by

Dr. Riva 

Pastor / Speaker/ Mentor

The book, “Convergence: Reimagine the Possibilities of You,” seeks to inspire readers to look beyond their past and the limitations of their present circumstances. People go through life assuming that there is no deviation from the status quo once they enter marriage, have children, or settle into a dead-end job; feeling trapped in a mold that was never meant to define their entire life’s purpose.

The Convergence concept is used in various fields, such as
ophthalmology, technology, and economics refer to combining different elements into one, resulting in a more powerful outcome than the individual components alone. 

“Convergence” invites you to embrace a fuller, more satisfying purpose and mission in life by aligning various aspects of your life and directing your focus towards a central purpose or goal.

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I was about to give up all hope until I read Convergence.  It gave me the roadmap to get my life back on track!


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Dr. Riva Tims Watkins

DR. RIVA TIMS WATKINS is the Pastor and Founder of Majestic Life Church and Host of the CoxMedia Radio Program “Morning Inspiration”.

Dr. Riva’s books When It All Falls Apart, Freedom Through Forgiveness, and When It All Comes Together have inspired many. She has also produced a CD project single, “Incredible God,” on her record label, Zion Records.

Dr. Riva, a sought-after Speaker, MC, and Conference host, has appeared on Life Today with James and Betty Robison, The 700 Club, TBN, and The Joni Lamb Show, to name a few.

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